Tuesday, 3 August 2010

We godda save tha oceans Bra!

You'll like this. It's some rather satisfactory animation by Sol Linero.


  1. how does plastic destroy the ocean? i know it is unsightly..and the odd bit is swallowed...but if you are going to go to the effort of doing an animation and a campaign with the intent that you try to change people's behaviour, then people neeed some evidence.


    danny oc

  2. Rubbish? Exactly. I think that's possibly the most ignorant comment I've ever read. The evidence is all around us to see in the seas or do you only surf in your bath?

    The animation links to the site (www.savemyoceans.com) that has all the information you need.

    Or if you want gruesome facts, maybe these will change your mind.


  3. NumbskullsAugust 23, 2010

    Thanks for your comments guys. They're always welcomed.

    I have to say however, I'm astonished that anybody who uses the sea for recreation or otherwise, could fail to identify the relevance of this issue. Danny, you appear quite confident that plastic in the ocean ISN'T a big issue – I'd be dead keen to hear your reasons for being so dead-set.

    If you were to believe that sewage alone is the only problem worth 'celebrating', based on just how much marine pollution affects YOU personally, then I believe you would be foolish, ignorant, and selfish. A turtle ingesting a carrier bag believing it to be a jelly doesn't concern you? I think it should, and I'm sure it does.

    Have a look at the VBS documentary that Anonymous posted, it gives an insight into just how damaging the microscopic flotsam in our oceans really is, and just how it can affect human individuals as well as birds and fish etc.
